Photo of h-2-space Canada
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Hovhannes Davtyan born in 1988 in the city Yerevan, Armenia. Since 2003 he has been studying painting and drawing individual (graphic design) with the Professor of the Yerevan State Pedagogical University and the Grand Master of Art of Armenia Vardges talented Gulikyan.Teniendo 2005, has finished high school admission test and was approved at the Yerevan State Pedagogical University, Armenia.Ha participated in some...

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Photo of h-2-space Canada

Hovhannes Davtyan born in 1988 in the city Yerevan, Armenia. Since 2003 he has been studying painting and drawing individual (graphic design) with the Professor of the Yerevan State Pedagogical University and the Grand Master of Art of Armenia Vardges talented Gulikyan.Teniendo 2005, has finished high school admission test and was approved at the Yerevan State Pedagogical University, Armenia.Ha participated in some exhibitions in the university as well in,, Naregatsi Art Union,, Yerevan, Armenia.

The year 2007 leaving the studio has gone to Montemorelos, Mexico to follow the Montemorelos ahi.En Carrara has participated in several exhibitions and has reconociodo one of the best young artist of the year 2010 Montemorelos.El University otravez left school by some financial and academic reasons as the dwarf's low Art traveled to Canada and is currently in Calgary, Canada surviving in hope that one day will have a study of high art, as The Academy of Art in Florence, Italy, and The Art Academy of Canada, and will be an Artist and a great painter like the Grand Masters Amadeo Modigliani, A. Renoir, Monet, degasser, Van Gogh, Raphael ... and so on.

He likes classical music, pop, as well as romantic ... One of the best romance of his life He lived on 25 September in Calgary, Canada when he met Jennifer Miller, a woman who hiso understand Life and fight against his being and his inner world.

Future not currently known to have ... But what we have is Hope and Love

I Know That''to paint the sea really well, you Need to look at it Every Hour of Every Day in the Same Place So That You Can Understand That STIs in particular spot way and That is why I am working on The Same motifs over and over again, four or six times events.'' CLOUD MONET

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